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155 saved in 2024!
2532 saved total!
16 on our waiting list needing help

She Needs a Hero! She needs you.

Foster Homes are the heart and soul of rescue.

When you open your home and your heart to a rescue dog, you literally safe a life.  We provide the food and veterinary expenses, you provide the love and guidance and together we can find forever homes for Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes in need.  Please fill out the Foster Application to get started.  We need foster homes in Omaha, Lincoln, Denver, Kansas City & Arkansas.

Currently we are looking for foster homes as well as volunteers to work at area meet & greets.  Signup to learn how you can help too!

Click here to fill out the Volunteer Application 

Click here to fill out the Foster Application

Click here to see the dogs in need of a foster home

Foster Volunteer FAQs

Can I be a foster volunteer if I have pets of my own?

Yes, we welcome pet owners as foster volunteers, but Huskies and Malamutes typically prefer the company of dogs their own size and can sometimes be a danger to small pets. Please keep in mind that there is always a health risk when exposing your pets to other animals, in any setting.

How long do the animals need to stay in foster care?

The typical foster dog stay is about 3-8 weeks depending on the needs of the dog. The time frame of each foster situation will be discussed with you ahead of time, but each foster volunteer can help preparing their foster dog for adoption with good communication, updates and socialization.

What expenses are involved with fostering a dog for Taysia Blue Rescue?

Foster families provide housing, bedding and toys for the dog in their care. Taysia Blue Rescue often has food available for volunteer foster families and we are happy to provide that when available. Taysia Blue Rescue provides all medical care for the animals including vaccination, medications, spay / neuter surgery, flea & tick and heart-worm preventatives and a crate if needed.

What do foster families need to provide?

A healthy and safe environment for their foster dogs. Transportation to and from potential adoptions and adoption events. Transportation to and from vet appointments as needed. Socialization and cuddle time to help teach dogs positive family and pet relationships. Lots of exercise and positive stimulation to help them develop into great pets. Routine and some rules to help them get ready for their new home. We ask that you are in communication with the Foster Team so we can relay necessary information and updates about your dog in order to get him or her adopted quickly.

Where do the dogs come from?

Dogs who are in need of foster care come to us from various situations:

Owner surrender, returned adoptions and shelter transfers. At Taysia Blue Rescue we make a lifetime commitment to every animal we rescue. That means that if, for any reason, an adopter can no longer keep a dog he or she adopted from us,, we want the dog to come back to Taysia Blue Rescue. If that dog ends up back at the shelter, we will pick up the dog and take the dog back. Taysia Blue Rescue takes in dogs from area shelters and prioritizes those who are most at risk for being killed due to space or time limitations. We want to save as many lives as possible, and the foster program allows us to do that.

How much time do I need to spend with a foster dog?

As much as you are able. The amount of time will vary depending on the energy level and needs of the dog you are fostering. The more time you spend with your foster dog  through exercise, training and socialization, the sooner your dog will be adopted.

Can I foster a dog if I don't have a fenced yard?

Yes,. Even if you do have a fenced yard, we request that you supervise all outdoor activities with the foster dog, and we ask that you always keep him or her on a leash when you are on walks.


(Available for existing volunteers):

Click for more information about each position


1. Adoption Counselors  FUN JOB!