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Tips for Re-homing your Pet

Deciding that your pet needs a new home is not an easy decision. Taysia Blue Rescue is here to support you and your pet. Finding a home for your pet on your own and keeping them out of the shelter is beneficial to both your pet and others in need.

A healthy pet is easier to re-home. Make certain your pet is up to date on all vaccinations. Provide copies of the vet paperwork. If your pet is not spayed or neutered, we highly recommend getting this done. Check your community for low-cost services.  

Ask family, friends and co-workers if they know anyone who is looking for a new pet. It is better for your pet if you are able to re-home him or her yourself. The shelter can be a very stressful environment for any pet. Ask people in person, but also leave a flyer so they can contact you if they know of someone or decide to adopt your pet themselves.

Create flyers, post to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Next Door, Craig’s List, on church, work or veterinary/pet store, restaurant and coffee shop bulletin boards. Make colorful and creative flyers highlighting special information about your pet.

  • Be as descriptive as possible (name, weight, breed, gender, pet’s health, play habits, likes & dislikes)
  • Tell a story – many write the story from the animal’s perspective.
  • Include recent photo(s)
  • Include your name and contact information (phone number / email address).
  • Include the date you posted & date you need a home by

Feature your pets on Adopt A Pet.

  1. Go to
  2. Create a pet profile
  3. Be sure to include a positive description and quality pictures

Rehome also allows for you to ask for an adoption fee. Additionally, Rehome encourages you to meet potential adopters in Petco stores

 Describing Your Pet

When writing a profile for your pet who needs a new home, you might be tempted to share all the reasons why you are rehoming your pet or share all the “negative” information up front. Don’t! Always be honest but always remain positive.

It’s important to remember that what might be negative to you may not matter to others. For example, a dog who does not like cats might make a perfect pet for someone with a cat allergy! Also, remember that the word “children” has a different meaning to everyone. Someone might consider an 18-year-old a “child” and see “no children” as a reason they cannot adopt, but your pet might only need a home without toddlers. Use the profile to showcase your pet.

Remember that your pet’s personality is always a positive:

Instead of:


Needs lots of exercise

Will make a great running buddy

Is aggressive towards children

Needs a home without children

Needs a lot of attention

Loves people

Doesn’t get along with cats / dogs

Prefers to be your only pet


Don’t rule out adopters before they can contact you. You may think your dog would do best in a house with a yard, but what if someone lives in a condo with a dog park? Or someone who runs on the beach every day? Your cat might prefer someone who works from home – but what about someone who works part-time, or a house with lots of family members with someone usually at home? Be open-minded and encourage potential families to contact you.

Make sure you use an email address that you check regularly. The Rehome sites allows adopters to ask you questions using the platform and you should get an email to alert you. Don’t let questions go unanswered!

Here is an example of a positive description for a dog named Luna. Luna needs a new home because she is not getting along with the three young children in the home. Her mom writes:

Luna is a sweet and friendly dog who has lived with another dog and even a cat! She is very smart and would love an owner who can take her for walks and teach her tricks. She is housebroken and kennel-trained. Luna is a very loyal dog. She is not pushy and will seek your affection on her own terms. Luna would prefer not to live in a home with small children. She is spayed, microchipped and up to date on her vaccines.

Most importantly – use quality pictures. The best profiles have a variety of pictures where you can clearly see the pet. We suggest at least four – one of the pet’s face, one of the pet with a family member or other pets, one that shows the pet’s size and a video if possible. Pictures should be in focus, colorful and without a filter.

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