Hello! My name isCallie Adams Fosterand I would love to meet you!
Hey there! I’m Callie Adams Foster! It’s a lot of syllables, so you can call me Callie if you’d like! I’ve had a lot of changes recently and I’m ready to make my final change and be adopted by you. I’m learning lots of things during my foster time right now! I’m learning to trust people and it takes me just a bit to warm up. I will say, though, I like people more than my crate right now. I’m learning to deal with that, though. I’m also learning that outside is my designated bathroom and not the house. With all of these changes, it’s just so exciting! I can’t help it! I would love to settle in and find a family that can love me as their own. So, please, let’s get that paperwork started so I, Callie Adams Foster, can join your pack!
More About Me:
- Breed: Siberian Husky Mix
- Gender: Female
- Color: Gray and White
- Age: 4 years
- Weight: 57 lbs
- Energy Level: Medium-High
- Location: Nebraska
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